by Don Hicks | Feb 16, 2018 | Healthy Church Initiatives, Healthy Leadership Initiatives, Healthy Pastor Initiatives
Mentioning “church discipline” in most Baptist churches is among the quickest ways to clear a room, or start an argument. However, biblical church discipline is never conducted from anger, revenge, or malcontent–it is intended to reflect the mature...
by Don Hicks | Feb 16, 2018 | Healthy Pastor Initiatives
There are a number of diverse reasons pastors either leave their church, or in many cases, completely abandon the pastorate. Dr. Hicks has identified some of the contributing factors in this article. Christian Counseling Connection
by Don Hicks | Feb 12, 2018 | Healthy Leadership Initiatives, Healthy Pastor Initiatives
Pastors often need spiritual bodyguards in the midst of toxic congregants. Here is an article from a recent issue of Christian Counseling Connection in which Dr. Hicks explains how to become your pastor’s spiritual bodyguard. All Pastors Need a...
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