Healthy Church Initiatives

We understand that during a crisis, the temptation can be very reactive. We want to help become resilient but equipping you with the knowledge to proactively address conflicts and areas of need before a crisis is created.

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October 29, 2018: Pellentesque Ipsum Id Orci Dapibus.


News & Stories

Serving Christ With All of Yourself

Is there something preventing you from serving Christ with all of yourself? Watch this young woman's testimony about her travail to totally serve Christ. Melody Hicks' Testimony on Serving Christ

Serving As Your Pastor’s Bodyguard

Pastors often need spiritual bodyguards in the midst of toxic congregants. Here is an article from a recent issue of Christian Counseling Connection in which Dr. Hicks explains how to become your pastor's spiritual bodyguard. All Pastors Need a Bodyguard

The Reality of Idols

Among the definitions for “idol” is “representation or symbol of an object of worship, or broadly, a false god.” However, there is one more subtle and insidious with the potential for fostering divisiveness, and destructive conflict--this second definition is “an...

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