Recent Articles

Why Pastors Leave

There are a number of diverse reasons pastors either leave their church, or in many cases, completely abandon the pastorate. Dr. Hicks has identified some of the contributing factors in this article. Christian Counseling Connection

Serving Christ With All of Yourself

Is there something preventing you from serving Christ with all of yourself? Watch this young woman’s testimony about her travail to totally serve Christ. Melody Hicks’ Testimony on Serving Christ

The Reality of Idols

Among the definitions for “idol” is “representation or symbol of an object of worship, or broadly, a false god.” However, there is one more subtle and insidious with the potential for fostering divisiveness, and destructive conflict–this second definition is “an…

As Worlds Collapse

When Your Church World Collapses– and You’re the Pastor’s Wife An unexpected church conflict triggered anger, depression, bulimia and a stay in a psychiatric hospital. But God turned it around for good. Why Me? “Where did You go, God? Why did…

The Solution to Church Conflict

The solution to church conflict resolution can be summed in one word—revival. A popular misconception among evangelicals today is that “revival” means a fresh outbreak of new conversions. However, etymologically, revival denotes a re-revivification, that is, being…

Don Hicks’ Biography

Don has been in the ministry for forty years as a Pastor of bi-vocational, small and large churches, Church Planter, Transitional Pastor, University and Seminary Professor, and has coached and ministered to thousands of pastors who have experienced personal and…




Church Crisis



Church Conflict






Counseling and the Journey of Abraham

The story of Abram and his migration from his ancestral home is a familiar one to many of us. Imagine the legacy and the model one can bequeath by following Abraham's example: Here is one such journey.

Church Discipline: A Misunderstood Responsibility of the Church

Mentioning "church discipline" in most Baptist churches is among the quickest ways to clear a room, or start an argument. However, biblical church discipline is never conducted from anger, revenge, or malcontent--it is intended to reflect the mature love of the...

Why Pastors Leave

There are a number of diverse reasons pastors either leave their church, or in many cases, completely abandon the pastorate. Dr. Hicks has identified some of the contributing factors in this article. Christian Counseling Connection

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